Sensational Sixes

Hats off…to the Gr 6 Pupils!

I am so incredibly proud to showcase the Gr 6 efforts during their fusing plastic project! Their hard work and perseverance paid off and the overall products were amazing.  Creative flair came to the fore with good conceptual and problem-solving skills being needed in order for brims to be attached, patterns to be fused on and sizing to be perfect.  I loved the attention to detail, the stark contrast between colours and the clever combinations of patterns…things to be proud of indeed.

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Fusing Plastic…It’s Wicked!

The Grade 6s have kicked off their year investigating the musical, Wicked. In Drama they are listening to and unpacking the lyrics of songs while in Design and Technology the practical element comes in.  In pairs, they have to design and then create a hat that symbolises the themes they have drawn from the lyrics.  The hats are made by fusing plastic bags together using an iron – a skill many had to get to grips with!  So far the lessons have been abuzz with problem-solving and planning in between chatting to other pairs for ironing tips.  We can’t wait to see the end results!

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