Sensational Sixes

Grade 6 Camp at Rocklands!

During the second last week of term, the grade 6 pupils and their very lucky teachers made their way to Rocklands, near Simonstown.

We were all fortunate enough to spend three days and two nights in this very beautiful part of the world. Activities included obstacle courses, drumming, rock-climbing, building sand castles and archery – to name but a few!

It was a very busy and FUN filled three days. A much quieter bus trip on the way home was testament to that!

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Grade 6 Camp!

That time had arrived- GRADE 6 CAMP!!! My bags were packed the previous night, but I still had that feeling that I’d left something behind. Upon arrival at school, nervous and excited chatter could be heard from the Grade 6’s. We later climbed the buses- strapped in and off we went…

the children showing their excitement before camp

the children showing their excitement before camp.

the excitement was obvious.

the excitement was obvious.

Upon arrival, the view was beautiful. The children unpacked their bags, played a few ice breakers and then got to see which cabins they were in.

getting briefed before their ice breakers.

getting briefed before their ice breakers.

The day was full with good food, good times and fun activities. The highlight being an awesome night hike. A rather successful first day.

The second day began with the sounds of children ready for breakfast. We then went on a beach walk and the children were put into small groups and were briefed to build the best sandcastle possible. To make the day even better and action packed- they participated in an obstacle course. The children were later blessed with a lovely visit from Mr. Preston. The evening ended with archery, a drum session, wall climbing and loads more. Needless to say- not a peep was heard from the children that night.

ready for breakfast.

ready for breakfast.

sandcastle time!

sandcastle time!

one of the many sandcastles built.

one of the many sandcastles built.

some of the children at a station of the obstacle course.

some of the children at a station of the obstacle course.

evening drumming session.

evening drumming session.

Our last day arrived and bags were packed, put in the bus and off we went. We may have left Rocklands but it will be a camp that will be remembered for years to come!

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