Sensational Sixes

Science is fun!

Experiments are always a great way to gain real understanding in the Science classroom. They give the children hands-on experience and are usually so much fun that every child is actively involved in the lesson.

Recently we learned about food groups and we used iodine to test various foods for starch. Needless to say, the rice and bread elicited some really great responses and interest!

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Over the last few weeks we have been learning all about electricity and this gave us an excellent opportunity to experiment with and investigate different ways of creating our own electricity.

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A great deal was learned and much fun was had by all! 

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Our first ILT






Last week the grade sixes were involved in their first ILT for the year. The overall task was to create an environmental documentary which would raise awareness about an issue which the children feel passionately about.

The project was broken down into smaller activities such as researching the issue,collating and sifting through the information, preparing and recording a debate, writing a letter to government officials as well as staging a protest!

It was amazing to see how well the children coped with the task and how creatively they put their documentaries together. It was most certainly an absolute success and enjoyed by all!

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